Honorary Fellows
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Honorary Fellows of the Asian Nuclear Medicine Board (HFANMB)s
Every year, the ANMB confers upon a senior nuclear medicine professional, the honorific of the Honorary Fellow of the Asian Nuclear Medicine Board.
The recipient might be a physician, scientist or any other professional who has demonstrated passion and a life time commitment to the science and art of Nuclear Medicine teaching, research or education.
Prof. Kinichi Hisada
Prof. Kinichi Hisada is one of the world’s foremost nuclear medicine scientists and physicians. Prof. Hisada has been engaged in nuclear medicine practice since 1955. He established the first “Department of Nuclear Medicine” at the national university in Japan in 1973.
Prof. Hisada is the founding editor of the “Annals of Nuclear Medicine”. The journal first published in 1987 and is now one of the leading journals of the global nuclear medicine community (IF=1.410, 2012). During his professorship, Prof. Hisada trained a number of young nuclear medicine physicians and
scientists who have gone on to leadership positions nationally and internationally.
In recognition of his contributions, the first HFANMB was awarded to Prof. Kinichi Hisada

FANMB 2017
Prof. Tatsuo Ido
Prof. Tatsuo Ido is an inventor of the radio-synthesis method of 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) at Brookhaven National Laboratory USA in 1976 under the leadership of Dr. Alfred Wolf. FDG was initially used for brain and cardiac imaging with PET, soon followed by cancer imaging over the world. Prof. Tatsuo Ido fostered a number of scientists in the field of radiopharmaceutical science and collaborated with nuclear medicine physicians during more than 50 years of his career. His life-long achievement and contribution to Nuclear Medicine are prominent. Prof. Ido is actively working in Gachon University of Medicine and Science.

FANMB 2018
Prof. Heather Patterson
Heather Patterson has been recommended for Honorary Fellowship of the Asian Nuclear Medicine Board in recognition of her sustained contribution of over 30 yrs to education and training in nuclear medicine in the Asia Oceania region and also globally.
Heather trained as a radiotherapist in her native Northern Island (where she was incidentally a water ski champion) and made her way to Australia via New Zealand. She arrived at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Heather was instrumental in running the first “Computers in Nuclear Medicine” course for the RCA in 1986. Numerous other courses and training placements followed and Heather moved to Westmead Hospital in the mid-1990s, working with Brian Hutton, and expanding the training programmes. From this background the “DAT Programme” was born – the Distance-Assisted Training scheme for nuclear medicine technologists in Asia. This programme was so successful that it was replicated in Latin America.
Heather moved to the University of Sydney in the mid-2000s, and became increasingly involved with ANSTO, the local agency for IAEA matters. From around 2010 Heather introduced the 2 week long residential “Foundations of PET/CT” Course at the University of Sydney which had been particularly designed to train nuclear medicine practitioners who were introducing PET into their countries for the first time. To this day Heather is strongly supported by IAEA, ANSTO and the University.
Heather’s contribution to training in Nuclear Medicine has been immense and programmes and material that she has developed have been used by thousands of individuals to help raise the standard of nuclear medicine. She has always approached this role with enormous passion and enthusiasm.
It is my privilege to recognize her contribution to Nuclear Medicine with an Honorary Fellowship of The Asian Nuclear Medicine Board.

Prof. Zhao Huiyang
Prof Zhao Huiyang was born in Beijing in 1931. He graduated from medical school in 1955 and then went on to study nuclear medicine at the Cornell University Medical Centre, Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre and the Vanderbilt University in Tennessee.
Prof. Zhao performed the first 131I thyroid scan in 1958. Soon there were 8 wards in his hospital carrying on 131I treatment for thyrotoxicosis, thyroid cancer and 32P treatment for polycythema, he also initiated external radiation therapy using 32P and 90 Sr.
His major research includes work in the preparation of Mo-TC and Sn-In generators, development of Indium DMSA imaging kit, selective positioning and treatment of liver cancer, and Research on improving regional cerebral ischemia by extracorporeal counterpulsation.
He had been a pioneer of nuclear medicine training in china and started the year long training class of nuclear medicine physicians as far back as 1979.
He has served as director of institute of nuclear medicine, Shanghai medical university, director of teaching and research office of nuclear medicine, chief of nuclear medicine department, director of research office and deputy director of imaging center of zhongshan hospital.
He has authored or compiled 10 books and over 150 scientific publications.
Prof. Teofilo O.L. San Luis Jr
Prof. San Luis graduated in Medicine, Cum- Laude-Meritissimus, from the University of Santo Tomas in 1972 . After a residency at the University of Santo Tomas Hospital, he did a fellowship in nuclear medicine from the university of Bonn, Germany and a fellowship in thyroidology at the Klinikum Steglitz, Berlin in 1991. This was followed by a research fellowship in autoimmune thyroid disease from Gifu University Japan in 1993.
This was followed by an MA in Public Administration from the university of Santo Tomas and a course on managing health programs in developing countries at the Harvard University school of public health.
Among his many assignments he has been:
- Chair, Department of Nuclear Medicine, St. Luke’s Medical Center QC, 2000-2007
- Staff Member International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Division of Human Health, Section of Nuclear Medicine & Diagnostic Imaging, Vienna, Austria,
- Dean, Asian School of Nuclear Medicine,
- Professor of UST faculty of Medicine,
- Dean St. Lukes College of Medicine.
- He was one of the original core members of the ANMB and an examiner.